Entries by mrcpm

How It All Started for CPMFitness in Sioux Falls

This post is part of a 3-part series about the CPMFitness story. Catch up on part one here! It was spring of 2008. Annie and I were newlyweds living in a Los Angeles 700 square foot, one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. It had street parking and no laundry, but we were 1.5 miles from the beach. I […]

The CPMFITness Story: Part One

One of the BIGGEST questions I seem to get continually is “What does CPM stand for?” Yeah, yeah . . . it stands for Christopher Paul Mello. But really, it stands for: Courage Potential Motivation Really, it’s much more. CPM embodies everything that Annie and I have learned and given in our evolution over the […]

Barrier Bashing: the Seven Stages of Action

“We don’t lack for knowing; we lack for doing.” In the health and fitness world, we often focus so much on everything below the neck (look/feel/perform), when all the results you could ever want happens when we master above the neck (mentality and mindset). Barriers are obstacles and impediments that consistently keep us from acting […]


Why Challenge Yourself?

We discussed the details and reasons of our upcoming 800 gram Nutrition (and Hydration) Challenge two weeks ago. A few highlights: It’s simple — There is one metric to abide by: 800 grams a day of fruits and vegetables. It’s not a diet — There are no restrictions on any other foods. You have complete […]

What If Water’s Not Enough? Enter Electrolytes

When someone comes to me with a physical problem — such as weight, asthma, pulled muscles, fatigue, etc — what’s the first thing I ask them about? If you’ve been around CPMFitness for any amount of time, you know the answer — it’s dehydration! And what’s the most obvious solution to the problem of dehydration? […]

How to Deal With Naysayers Along Your Nutrition Journey

Have you recently made the decision to get healthy and fit? Congratulations! However, you may have a problem. Your friends, family, coworkers and naysayers (FFCN) are everywhere. You can run and you can hide, but eventually they are going to find you. When they do, you can rest assured that they are going to inquire, ask, […]