Member Spotlight: Jonny Parker

Jonny Parker

Jonny has been a long standing member at CPM! He joined in April of 2014, making it six and a half years with us so far.

Get to Know Jonny

Jonny can best be described as a tattooed and driven individual. He may have been a tough egg to crack, but I got him!  All it took was a fanny pack ? and a little crap talking! He is such a joy to have in class, and Jonny — don’t worry, I will get you to get the muscle ups strung together!  Maybe that can be an end of year goal.

“Jonny, why did you join CPM?”

Jonny says that he and his wife were looking to counteract the effects of getting older and being parents of young children.

“Plus, I had just been to a wedding in New Zealand and all those little hobbits were on the CrossFit bandwagon,” he says. “I was like, ‘if they can do it, so can I!’ So yeah, it was the stinking hobbits.”

What do you love most about CPM?

“The burpees,” Jon says. “Oh, you asked what I love about CPM?”

Haha Jonny, too funny!  Burpees are fun and I do love them!

Jonny says that from the moment he began working out at the Western Mall CPM, he’s experiences equal amounts of challenge and soreness.

“When I started, I couldn’t even hold a deep squat because my hip flexors were so tight,” Jonny says. “The support and coaching I received from Chris, Annie, and the other coaches was an encouraging push to realize that I needed to will myself to increase my mobility and improve my health. Then there’s the feeling of becoming competent with movements you never thought about working on that keep things interesting in the workouts. I guess that means I love the coaching and the environment at CPM.“

What do you want to achieve this year?

Jonny says that he tends to approach goals like the first rule of Fight Club (by not talking about them.) But, he does have one goal in mind!

“I want reduce the amount of ankle flesh lost on the rope climbs. That’s a mistake you only make once.”

Yep, that is one mistake you only make once!

How do you define success at CPM?

“For me personally, success means showing up three times a week, no matter what life has placed in the way,” Jonny says.

He says that for him, working out at CPM has become a lifestyle and an hour to enjoy — even when it doesn’t physically feel enjoyable.

“My membership at CPM has survived plague and pestilence, pneumonia, divorce, that terrible last season of Game of Thrones, sudden job loss, and crazy schedules,” Jonny says. “But, I believe that has made showing up mean so much more. Other than being a dad to the three best little guys on the planet, nothing else I’ve endeavored has been as beneficial as working to stay physically healthy.”

What inspires you to keep coming to CPM?

For six and a half years, Jonny has been showing up consistently to workouts in the Western Mall. He says that remembering where he came from is what keeps him motivated.

“If I ever went back to being that immobile and sore, I might not make it,” he says. “It’s also a lot of fun — in a sweaty, hope I don’t hit a mall walker, sort of way. I truly feel like something is missing in my life if I don’t get my three ‘me times’ in per week. Gotta keep pushing myself. I guess it’s a plan and I’m sticking to it.”

What’s something about you no one knows?

Jonny isn’t too much of an open book, especially during gym workouts. So, many may not know about his music background.

“I didn’t take my SATs or ACTs on principle,” Jonny explains. “My goal was to have a record deal by the time I graduated high school. I signed a three-album deal with Facedown Records in Southern California when I was a senior. I hit the road on my first tour the day after I graduated. Our band was called Nodes of Ranvier. I did end up getting my Bachelors in 2011. Just had to live out a dream first.”

What is your one word that would describe CPM?


What is the best piece of advice a coach has ever given you?

“Chris told me to push my knees back during a deadlift once — game changer!”, Jonny says. “Other than that, ‘don’t let go!’ has proven to be pretty solid advice.”

What’s your best piece of advice for new CPM members?

Jon ends with the advice he’s found for himself — to have fun with the challenge, and not to stop showing up.

It’s Your Turn!

Want to have fun with a challenge?  I challenge you to show up, just like Jonny did. Reach out to us and get started on attacking a crushing those goals.

Maybe your goal is to join one of the best gym communities in Sioux Falls. If so, we would love to chat and see if we are a good fit.


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