The Power of the Power Snatch

Many of us dread Snatch Day. There are always a few looks of fear as we gather around to talk about the ever-dreaded snatch.

Have no fear — the Snatch Informant is here!

As many of you know, I often talk about the “Why” of what we do at CPM. I feel the more you know the purpose behind that which you are doing, the more invested you are going to be in the exercises.

The moans and groans on snatch day should turn to joy and celebration when you hear all that this marvelous exercise has to offer!

Background on the Snatch

First off, the snatch is by far the most difficult barbell movement in the Olympic Weightlifting world (even for professionals). So take that in to consideration when performing this beastly exercise. Some have compared this to pole vaulting in the sense of concentration and difficulty!

So, embrace this and trust the process.

The word snatch actually means to “seize something quickly.” Considered to be the fastest Olympic lift, when you are snatching, you’re moving a load quickly — but you’re also moving it far. As you work to fine-tune each element of the snatch, you’re training your mental capacity as well.

Time, practice, and commitment to learning the snatch helps with cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.

This is why we drill, drill, drill with that beautiful piece of PVC!

The Snatch Movement Step-By-Step

Focusing on the set up is important, beginning with flexibility, coordination and balance.

Knees should be slightly outward, shoulders just a smidge over the bar, chest up and butt low. Holding in this set up is challenging for many of us, making it that much more beneficial to work on.

As we slowly move the bar up our shins and thighs, everything should be moving together. Our butt, hips and chest should rise in sync — not one before the other — and our lumbar curve should be maintained. As the bar approaches your hips, we should aggressively thrust and squeeze our butts, while simultaneously shrugging our shoulders as fiercely as possible before bending the elbows into what we call the “scarecrow.”

Here we’re utilizing accuracy, strength, flexibility, and power.

In the final pulling position, the athlete should be high on his toes with a tall torso, the bar pressed into the body and the elbows wide and outside.

As we begin moving our bodies underneath the bar, we are executing speed in the motion, agility in the transition, strength and balance in the catch and stamina to stand it up forcefully— having worked your entire core to keep the movement tight, consistent, accurate, and fast.

A full snatch activates all the important muscle groups!

How’s Your Snatch?

Nobody has a perfect snatch, but everyone has the tools and skills to get a lot better — especially now that you know the importance of it!

How’s your snatch? We love to see our CPM members improve their mobility and strength over time. If you’re looking to improve your snatch (and other movements) in Sioux Falls, you’re in the right place! Learn more about our classes and the CPM process.

Learn More About CPM

Posted By: Annie