Eight Reasons to Make Your Health a Priority

I came across a great article the other day about Mollie Sanchez, a healthcare worker and mother of two, who lost 70 pounds after taking the Sioux Falls Mayor’s Challenge of logging 100 miles of walking, biking and/or running in 100 days.

Molly says she was looking for an outlet to relieve the stress of balancing work and family while the world around her was closing in with the pandemic. Not only was she able to lose the weight by prioritizing her health and exercise, she is now in the best shape of her life and teaching her kids healthy habits in the process.

Why Should You Make Your Health a Priority?

Obviously, we coaches at CPM Fitness are huge health and fitness advocates, and we feel strongly that everyone should be prioritizing his or her health. We can all make changes that help us live a healthier life, but the motivation or accountability to put in the work is usually lacking.

This pandemic alone should have opened our eyes even wider to the importance of taking ownership of our health, but if you are still dabbling with your “why,” here are eight reasons to make your healthy a priority.

  1. Improved health will lead to improved self-worth. We feel good about ourselves when we take care of ourselves.
  2. Making healthy choices will help you age well. You’ll look better, but more importantly, be able to maintain an active lifestyle as you age.
  3. You’ll have an improved independence and quality of life. Being dependent on others is not on my bucket list!
  4. A healthy lifestyle helps prevent disease. For me, my healthy choices slow the progression of my Still’s Disease.
  5. You’ll have a positive impact on others. People are watching. My kiddos are my why. If mama is happy, everyone is happy! How about for you?
  6. Better health leads to increased energy. It’s a no-brainer — we all need that!
  7. Your sleep will improve. The more I move, the better I sleep. Your body will thank you!
  8. A healthy lifestyle contributes to improved digestion. For example, anxiety messes with digestion, and exercise can be an outlet. I always feel better when I am done working out, and it gets things moving a bit.

Bad things can and do happen to people all the time, regardless of how well they take care of themselves. Those are things out of our control. What we can control is how we treat ourselves today. Do a little check-in with yourself to figure out what area would most benefit from some real change. Getting healthy does not mean an entire life overhaul. It just starts with one!

Need Some Help With Your Priorities?

If your convinced about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle but aren’t sure how to take that first step, you’re in the right place!

At CPM Fitness in Sioux Falls, we help people of all ages and abilities take steps toward a healthy, happier life. Shoot us a line to learn more about how you can get on the right track toward a healthier lifestyle today.

I Want To Prioritize My Health