CPM Member Spotlight: Charissa “Crash” Lawson


Charissa (aka “Crash”) is my (Chelsey’s) client, but more importantly, she is a strong, very independent woman who I now am lucky enough to call friend.

Crash is fierce and nothing can stand in her way! So, when I received her text asking if I had ever heard of #75hard, I instantly knew that she wanted to jump in on the new program.

Also, I knew that this would be something I would be interested in if I had an “accountabilabuddy,” and apparently she did too!

Meet Crash

Charissa is a 26-year Air Force veteran and a cancer survivor. When I told you she was strong, I meant CPM member, Crash, doing a rope climb in the gymit!

Crash has been coming to CPM for almost ten months. She is super humble, so I’ll add what I have learned just from getting to know her.

This girl literally doesn’t let sh*t faze her. In addition to surviving cancer, she has battled many injuries and other personal battles. From a broken collarbone, bruised ribs, and a broken foot, this girl is a rock!

Why #75hard?

Crash found #75hard while browsing Instagram one day. She was instantly intrigued, sent me a message about it, and knew this was what would help get her back on track and change her life.

“I had developed some bad habits over the years that I wanted to get a handle on,” Crash says. “I also wanted to renew my willpower, confidence, and overall ability to sit in a difficult situation without running for the easy way out.”

She says that she knew she couldn’t do it without the support of someone who is like-minded. As her coach, I was up for the challenge, and we hit the ground running a few weeks later.

Learn more about the #75hard challenge here.

How Has the Challenge Been Going?

Crash says that as we enter the third week of the #75hard challenge, it has been rewarding — but not always easy.

“I have been pushing my mind and body further than I could ever imagined,” she says. “The challenge has given me the sense of purpose I have been wanting for quite some time, and I can’t wait to see the progress the next 61 days will bring!”

She says the hardest part of the challenge has been figuring out her calories since adding a second workout into her day.

“Oh, and no wine!

Our Advice For You

Since Crash and I have started the #75hard challenge, we’ve got to spend some extra time together. We spend our Sunday mornings riding the bike trails. Then, we enjoy Starbucks (compliant with our meal plan). Of course, our time together talking about life is an added bonus.

If you are looking for change, you have to be the catalyst for the change!

I was heading in a dark hole myself, but I have found so much clarity in the short three weeks doing this challenge. I can’t even put into words how amazing I am feeling.

However, I have been craving the biggest burger, fries, and a cold beer with a pickle!

Ready for Change?

If you’re feeling motivated by Crash’s experience, join us at CPM! Our experienced coaches, group training classes, and encouraging community might be just the motivation you need for positive change in your life.

Learn more about membership at CPM