Potato Chip Alternatives from Annie

homemade salty snack alternative

Do you find it hard to resist reaching for a salty potato chip snack? We all know how hard it is to just eat a few.

If you often find yourself craving salty chips, consider some of the following alternatives. After all, it’s not sustainable to completely cut out your favorite foods, but you can find ways to satisfy the craving without compromising your health goals.

CPMFitness on KeloLand Living

Annie was recently on KeloLand Living again to share her favorite potato chip alternatives with health-minded folks in Sioux Falls.

  • She first shares to read your ingredients — less is more. A key tip is to stick with alternatives that have seven or fewer ingredients; that way you’ll miss out on the extra, unhealthy additives. Colorful root veggie chips are a great option!
  • Need to remove gluten from your diet? Siete grain-free tortilla chips are a tasty option that are made with 100% avocado oil, so no hydrogenated oils or fillers!
  • If you tend to demolish an entire bag of chips at one time, or need something to put in your kids’ lunches, individual-packs of chips can help you with the portion control issue.
  • Want to be adventurous? Annie’s personal favorite is seaweed snacks! They are low-carb, low-calorie, salty seaweed chips made with sunflower oil.

Make Your Own “Potato Chips”

Skip the store and create this snack in your own kitchen!

Annie shares a very simple recipe that can cure your salty cravings. Watch the video below to see how to make them!