Entries by fitchicla

Spooky Recipe: Halloween Skeleton Veggie Tray

If you are trying to stick with the #800gChallenge, or just avoid extra sugar around Halloween, these are the perfect recipes for you when tempted with all the seasonal tasty treats. You can put these out for all your fun Halloween festivities!

The Top Fruits and Vegetables For Fall

Feeling fall yet? Believe it or not, it’s here! Whether you’re currently dominating the #800gChallenge, or even if you are not participating and just want some helpful tips on how to incorporate fun fall fruits and veggies into your diet, this post is for you.

The Benefits of Broccoli (Plus a Few Bonus Recipes)

When you hear the phrase “eat your vegetables,” one of the first that comes to mind might be broccoli. Broccoli is an inexpensive vegetable available year-round, so it’s one of the more common veggies that people eat when they are trying to get more vegetables in their diet. But, broccoli often gets a bad rap. […]

How to Make Eating Vegetables Fun

Vegetables often get a bad rap, but the truth is that they can be so delicious and be such a perfect compliment to a delicious meal. Delicious Things to Try With Your Veggies The secret to making your vegetables taste better is to learn how to properly prepare them. That goes for everything from selecting […]

How to Eat Healthy While Staying Within Your Budget

One of the reasons we are so obese as a society — and not getting any healthier — is because of all the processed foods we consume. We eat so many products that come from a package, box, or bottle. What if we were to go back to basics and actually consume real food (i.e food […]

Why We Row For Calories vs. Meters

Whether you have been at CPM for a short amount of time or since the beginning, you’ve likely experienced both row for cals and row for meters during the workouts. Why do we do one over the other?