Entries by Chelsey Dockter

CPM Stays Covid-Friendly

With the Olympic weightlifting event that CPMFitness is hosting on Nov. 14th coming up, I want to assure all those who are coming or on the fence about coming that we will be keeping COVID in mind when scheduling out the CPM Burgener Total. We understand the concern for this pandemic and we want you […]

Benefits Of Olympic Lifting

This November 2020, CPM is hosting our first ever #cpmApproved Burgener Total event! This Olympic weightlifting event will test your abilities in the snatch, clean & jerk, and lastly, the front squat. At the end, you will know what you are capable of lifting, as well as what you need to work on in terms […]

Don’t Miss the “CPM Total”

“Be proud of your hard work and accomplishments, but never be completely satisfied and never forget you’re not the only one out there working hard. You can always do more, do better, and help others do the same.” — Greg Everett It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm I introduce to you our next lifting […]

Member Spotlight: Jonny Parker

Jonny has been a long standing member at CPM! He joined in April of 2014, making it six and a half years with us so far. Get to Know Jonny Jonny can best be described as a tattooed and driven individual. He may have been a tough egg to crack, but I got him!  All […]

Are You Standing In Your Own Way?

Why do we do it? We often stand in our own way from reaching our goals. We stand in our way of growth and think that the pain is worth going through, or that maybe it’s simply something we have to live with. I have seen this happen in my clients, in my friends, and […]

You Are Your Company — Choose Wisely!

Last week I was lost; broken from the hardness of the #75hard. It’s hard. The mentality is hard. I focused on ways to gain my motivation back. My why, my goal, the bigger picture, staying positive, and being with like-minded people were my main focuses to keep moving forward. I know this will change me from […]

Member Spotlight: Aaron Ellingsen

Meet Aaron — aka Ace. Ace has been a CPM member since December of 2017.  I met Aaron quickly when I first came to CPM more than a year ago. Once I said hello, I knew Ace was someone I instantly wanted to know. His contagious personality is an instant gravitational pull. He is goofy […]